Schroeder Industries has added the North American Vacuum Oil Dehydrator to its QuickDelivery Program – superior filtration products shipped in 5 days.
If you are noticing a hazy or milk-like appearance in your hydraulic fluid, there’s a good chance you have water in your system. The North American Vacuum Dehydrator (NAV) employs a low maintenance, dry running claw vacuum pump to remove 100% of free and over 90% of dissolved water and gas from oil. In addition, the NAV also removes particulate contaminants using premium, high dirt holding filter elements available in 3 to 25-micron ratings. Gauges located at eye level provide a visual indication of operating conditions. A state-of-the-art, user friendly HMI enables user-defined system shutdowns and provides additional details on operating conditions, maintenance and troubleshooting solutions.
As the price of oil rises, the cost of used oil disposal rises and the pressure to maintain a 100% planned up-time schedule is on the forefront of plant managers everywhere. The only effective solution is to maintain the fluid at the highest purity levels, and by doing so, extend the fluid service life. By adding the NAV to Schroeder’s QuickDelivery program, this means that its bread and butter oil dehydration system can be at a customer’s facility in as little as five business days.
Schroeder Industries
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