Hy-Pro announces the release of two new product lines. The FSWand LFW (non-powered version of FSW) are compact dedicated off-line contamination solutions ideal for small reservoirs and gearboxes as well as diesel engine crankcase conditioning. With standard flow rates ranging from 0.2 GPM (0.75 LPM) to 5 GPM (18.9 LPM), they are the most versatile solutions on the market for these applications as both systems are compatible with all of Hy-Pro’s filter media enabling them to remove acid, varnish, sludge, water or particulate depending on media selection. The FSW and LFW have been engineered as wall mounted units eliminating their need to occupy valuable floor space.
107-ICBL10Keep your systems in peak condition, reduce your downtime, minimize your operating cost and maximize your productivity by protecting your fluid and components with our new FSW or LFW.
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